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Allegheny Serviceberry (Amelanchier laevis)
This plant typically reaches a height of 25'. At present, this plant is uncommon in commerce, as most selections are Amelanchier Xgrandiflora. Allegheny serviceberry is one of the parents of A. Xgrandiflora and is distinguished when the new growth is expanding by its red and glabrous new growth. Showy flowers in the early spring are followed by fruit that is attractive to birds and showy in early summer. Fall color ranges from yellow to orange-red. The bark is soft, gray and smooth, adding winter interest. The small size and four-season interest suggest a trial.
In nature, Allegheny serviceberry is a forest understory tree but occurs in more moist environments than other serviceberries. Tolerance to moist soils is normally an asset in urban situations. Understory plants often will not tolerate full light, although the serviceberry seems to do well in full sun. Insect and disease problems are common but generally cosmetic. Lacebug is a problem in some areas.
(If you have a photo of this plant in an urban environment that you would like to donate for use on this site, please contact the webmaster.
Shade Tree Home Page
T. Davis Sydnor, Ph. D. and Nick E. D'Amato
Urban Forestry Department
School of Natural Resources
The Ohio State University
2021 Coffey Road,
Columbus OH 43210
(614) 292-3865