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Pannicled Goldenraintree (Koelreuteria paniculata)
This tree shows excellent promise for urban plantings. It typically reaches heights of 30'-40'. Cold hardy seed sources of this Asiatic native have done well in the state of Ohio. The yellow flowers are borne in mid summer. That adds a bit of interest at a time when tree flowers are not common. This plant tends to have a one-to-one height-width ratio making it broader than many small plants, and more suitable as a "shade tree". It is of moderate size and that means it can be used in restricted areas that would be unsuited for larger plants.
The plant tolerates urban situations quite nicely. However, cold hardy seed sources are required in the Midwest to avoid winter injury when temperatures drop below -10° F. Golden raintree also endures restricted soil spaces, and soil compaction. Trees have done well in containers and high traffic areas on the Ohio State University Campus. The fruit is a light, dry capsule, often described as resembling a Chinese lantern. Fruit is quite conspicuous and hangs on for more than a year adding winter interest. This plant does reseed itself in urban situations although reseeding does not appear to be a threat to native vegetation.
For more info see the Ohio Street Tree Evaluation Site.
(If you have a photo of this plant in an urban environment that you would like to donate for use on this site, please contact the webmaster.
Shade Tree Home Page
T. Davis Sydnor, Ph. D. and Nick E. D'Amato
Urban Forestry Department
School of Natural Resources
The Ohio State University
2021 Coffey Road,
Columbus OH 43210
(614) 292-3865